33booksforanotherbelarus 33booksforanotherbelarus

Book launch at the Philosophicum Basel

Book launch at the Philosophicum Basel

On 21 June 2023, we presented the first of the 33 books at the Philosophicum. Iryna Herasimovich and Sylvia Sasse spoke about the project, the publishing situation in Belarus, about books by authors in exile, and Michael Heitz (publisher diaphanes Verlag) and Zmicier Vishniou (publisher and author), who produced the book together. Moderated by Nadine Reinert.

19.00 - 19.50 hrs - "33 Books for Another Belarus": Iryna Herasimovich (translator) and Sylvia Sasse (Slavist) on the campaign, book exile and the publishing situation in Belarus

20.00 - 20.40 - Discussion between Michael Heitz (publisher diaphanes Verlag) and Zmicier Vishniou (publisher and author) about their collaboration on the publication "Experimental Theatre Texts of the Bum-Bam-Lit Movement and the Society of Free Literary Men" and about publishers and poets in exile

An event of the Philosophicum Basel in cooperation with the Literaturhaus Basel and with the Osteuropa-Forum Basel.
